Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Now people, goods and foreign microbes can ...

3 different shapes of bacteria

To catch ride down the two-lane road in Borbn, north-west of Ecuador, said in an article in Science >> << now. By the highway was built in 1996, more than 100 villages in the Ecuadorian Esmeraldas region were isolated, with only tracks vehicles. Now people, goods and foreign microbes can be easily transported, including potentially antibiotic-resistant bacteria in hospitals in the city center. To test their theory, researchers visited 21 communities and collected over 2000 samples chair. They then analyzed the samples looking for the bacteria Escherichia coli resistant to conventional antibiotics. They found that the shorter drive time from community Borbn, more antibiotic-resistant bacterial population was not. The more people received antibiotics more likely they were to submit a new drug-resistant bugs his neighbors, and this increases poor sanitation, the study says. Stuart Levy, a scientist at Tufts University, USA, said,

Science Now, when results are not in accordance with several studies that buy strattera warn against overuse of antibiotics. .

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